9 Killer SEO Tricks To Optimize Your Blog In Blogspot - The 15 All Time Secrets That You Must Learn Before Earning By Writing Blogs And Forex Market

9 Killer SEO Tricks To Optimize Your Blog In Blogspot


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Your Blog

The success of your blog/website depends on the volume of traffic your blog can draw from the web. Without reasonable amount of web traffic the very purpose of creating the blog is ruined. Besides, it's very difficult to earn anything from your blog even if you have Adsense approval in the absence of audience. 

The seven simple tips for SEO :


When we search about anything in a search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo we type a few words in the search column about that subject/topic. What search engine does is to search its database based on those words and presents a number of search results. We can view the search results spread to a number of pages such as Page 1, 2, 3 indicated at the bottom. The words so typed are called keywordsLearn more :

#2Social Media 

Without signing up for social media sites - like Facebook, Tumblr, Google plus, Reddit and Twitter nobody can imagine of good volume of traffic. These social sites are capable of drawing huge traffic to your blog. Social sites icons must be added to your blog. Learn more :

#3Regular Activity 

There are bloggers who create a lot of quality blogs but leave the path without success. Even if their blogs were created with a lot of passion and has good 'keywords', good 'niche' and SEO friendly header tags still their dreams remained unfulfilled. This is mainly because of their irregularity in posting new articles. Besides, new articles always draw attention of viewers. The google bot or crawler will forget you if you do not post new articles off and on. Learn more :

#4) Submit Your Blog To Google/Yahoo/Bing

Google is the number 1 search engine and your website must be submitted to it to target more traffic. Maximum number of traffic a website gets is from this search engine. 

By submitting your website to important search engines and by implementing some SEO technique, you can easily rank higher and expect more viewers. Learn more :

#5Include Robot Txt In Your Blog Huge Traffic

Robot.txt  is  a  simple  code  of  text saved in  the  Google Server  which  helps  the 'Web Crawler'  to  index  your entire blog  and show  your  blog  in  the search  results. With the help of this  'text file' you can restrict  'Web Crawler' not  to index  some of your  unimportant  pages. The  robots.txt file includes instruction  to the 'Web Crawler' which pages of your blog are to be indexed and which pages are not. Learn more 

#6Essential Widgets For Your Blog

There are a few must widgets for your blog, inclusion of which not only looks your blog much more attractive but also ensures 'viewer satisfaction'. 

Inclusion of these widgets will force your viewers to come back to your blog and look for something more.

These essential gadgets are capable of reducing your bounce rate to minimum as visitors become more and more interested with your blog.

These gadgets are also essential to improve your ranking in SEO(Search Engine Optimization). Learn more :

#7Create A Super Attractive And Viral Post

This is the question often asked and searched by the bloggers. Making a blog professionally designed and highly eye catching in appearance are not enough to get wonderful volume of traffic. One might be wondering what the blog still lacks that viewers seldom visit it. Getting even a few hundred views daily is not an easy work.

As far as my experience goes getting an online presence takes time, may be even a few years and involves a lot of hard work and devotion. You can't expect your blog to soar high as soon as it is published. Allow viewers required time to like it. Learn more

#8Add A XML Sitemap To Webmaster Tools 

A XML sitemap enables the search engine bot to find all the posts/pages of the blog and index it quickly and efficiently. In the absence of a XML sitemap one is bound to lose the opportunity of his/her contents being properly indexed and find a place in the search engine.

A sitemap supplies valuable information to the Google search engine about the contents of a website and the relevancy of all its pages. Metadata contains information about a specific webpage and any search engine needs this data for proper indexing.

So, it may be well said that a regular updated sitemap is absolutely essential to get regular traffic from the search engines. Learn more : 

#9Add Google Analytics To Your Blog

As far as real-time statistics of blog are concerned 'Google Analytics' is regarded to be the best & unique tool. Signing up for Google Analytics fetches a lot of advantages for you. Learn more

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