6 amazing tricks to get the most out of your best 5 wordpress plugins for your blog - The 15 All Time Secrets That You Must Learn Before Earning By Writing Blogs And Forex Market

6 amazing tricks to get the most out of your best 5 wordpress plugins for your blog


Although, there are so many content managements e.g. Jhoomla, Drupal or ocPortal, still 'WordPress' stands out to be the best. That's why millions of bloggers all over the globe choose WordPress as the first choice.

As far as SEO (search engine optimization) is concerned, WordPress is always number 1 because it's amazing SEO friendly. 

Effective SEO plugins is capable of not only attracting more organic traffic but also winning a high rank in all search engines.

5 Best SEO Plugins For WordPress

No:1 WordPress SEO By Yoast 

This plugin wins the first place in terms of popularity and effectiveness among millions of bloggers. This is evident from the fact that it has been downloaded over 8 million times by bloggers all over the world. 

Main Features:

  • Post title meta descriptions, permalinks, canonical url.

  • Make your blog social friendly by adding Facebook/Twitter meta data.
  • Those using all-in-one SEO plugin or Head Space2 SEO plugin can import SEO data into this plugin with its highly useful import function.
  • Its preview function helps how your posts will appear in search engines and enables you to control which posts should appear in search results. It also enables you to control indexing of categories and archives. 

No:2 All in One SEO Pack

Michael Torbert created another most popular SEO plugin which has been downloaded for most number of times after 'Yoast'. This plugin is ideal for newbies, just install and activate.

Main Features:
  • Enables to optimise header of each post and capable of generating meta tags e.g. title, description & keywords automatically.

  • Easy to add XML sitemaps, Google Analytics and canonical urls (a canonical url is the url you want your visitors to see). To know more click here

Read: How to upload all in one SEO plugin to blogger in the easiest way for huge organic traffic

No:3 SEOPressor

This plugin is also no less important 'SEO plugin for WordPress. Its main features below prove that this is still one of the best On Page SEO plugin.

Main Features:

  • Easy SEO optimization and use of meta tags.
  • Social media integration.
  • Keyword density, keyword effectiveness.
  • Automatic smart linking.
  • Rich snippets and many more.

Always choose any one plugin 'Yoast', All in one SEO pack or SeoPressor 

No:4 SEO Friendly Images for Each Post

A post may do well if no image is posted in it. But images play a great role in enhancing the appearance of your blog. 

It must be realized that just posting any image will do no good for your blog, on the contrary you may be punished by google crawler. This punishment means your blog will no longer be indexed by google bot.

The image must be SEO friendly. A SEO friendly image is an image with proper Alt tags and title tags. Installing an SEO friendly image plugin will automatically add proper Alt and title tags to the image. 

Try these latest 5 On page image optimization

No:5 Google XML Sitemaps 

This plugin automatically creates XML sitemaps of the blog which helps various search engines like - google, yahoo, bing and others to index your blog easily. To know more about this click here   

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