Try These Latest 5 On-Page Image Optimization SEO Techniques For Your Blog For Huge Burst of Traffic - The 15 All Time Secrets That You Must Learn Before Earning By Writing Blogs And Forex Market

Try These Latest 5 On-Page Image Optimization SEO Techniques For Your Blog For Huge Burst of Traffic


Image-optimization is one part of 'On-page optimization' for a proper SEO campaign aimed at enhancing volume of traffic to the blog. The competition of getting a good rank is tough unless one attaches importance to 'On-page optimization'.

A well drafted and attractive article is not enough these days to get a high rank in search engine. There are other factors that are responsible for a good SEO ranking.

Read: Search Engine Optimization Made Easy
                     How To Find 7 Unique SEO Tricks To Keep       Visitors Tied To Your Blog 

Adding an image or a video related to the niche of your blog does make your blog much more attractive.

Read: 9 Tips About 10 Top Websites For Copyright Free Photos For Your Blog To Double Your Business  

5 Steps Towards A Perfect Image Optimization

#1) Relevance Of The Image

This is a very common factor and doesn't need much intelligence to understand - the image must be relevant to the topic/niche of the article.

#2) Alt Tag

Adding a proper 'Alt Tag' to the image is the first & foremost important factor towards image optimization. Without an Alt Tag the image appears as an empty space in the html of the respective page. These empty places may make the blog lose rank in the search engine. An Alt-Tag or alternate tag informs the search engine bot about the presence of an image and subject/topic of the image. Alt-Tag must be short, descriptive and keyword based. Do not use special characters/symbols in Alt Tag. 

After uploading the image to your blog click on the image - click on properties - write your tags and click OK.

#3) Size of the image

Uploading to many images or images of large file size may considerably increase the loading time of the page resulting in increased bounce rate i.e. visitors will leave your blog quickly than usual. Loading time of more than 10 seconds of a page acts as a very negative factor in terms of SEO specially after introduction of 'Panda' by Google recently. So the size of file of an image should preferably be a few thousand kb(kilobytes) and not a few mb(megabytes). Yahoo Smushit is a great tool for optimizing file size of the image.

#4) File name of the image

File name of the image is another factor that will count for a good rank in search engine. Since most 'search engines' are text based they will find it very difficult to understand the meaning of a default name of an image such as IVO022.jpg or PBC025.png etc. The name of the file must be related to the topic of the post and should be separated 'hyphens' such as 'increase-adsense-cpc-for-blog.jpg'. This is specially required in case of 'SEO friendly images plugin for WordPress. 

After uploading the image click on the image - click add-caption - write the name of your image. 

#5) Title Tag and Linking

Linking images with the right techniques can boost traffic to the blog a number of times and is also very crucial in terms of search engine optimization. Image linking is very effective to get a back link to your blog when you are invited to create a guest post in blogs/websites of other bloggers. But always avoid linking images used in the 'guest-posts' directly. Instead use relevant and attractive anchor texts to link those images to your blog. 

Using a 'eye catchy' title tag is great to attract visitors of other blogs/websites to your blog.    

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