How To Add An Extra Column In The Header And In The Cross Column Of Your Blog - The 15 All Time Secrets That You Must Learn Before Earning By Writing Blogs And Forex Market

How To Add An Extra Column In The Header And In The Cross Column Of Your Blog

Adding an extra column in the 'Header' or 'Cross-column' or 'Cross-Column 2' sometimes become necessary to add extra widget and advertisement of 'Adsense' or other networks. But if you go to the 'layout' of your blog you will find that you can add only a single widget in the Header and Cross-column and no widget at all in the Cross-Column 2.

Many bloggers are at a fix about how to do it. You can do this very easily if you follow the step by step instruction explained below :-

#1) Log in to your blogger

#2) Go to 'Template' and click 'Edit HTML' ( a page full of HTML codes will open )

#3) Now scroll down below and find the column as shown in Screen Shot 1 below underlined in red :

Screen Shot :1


As you can see from Screen Shot 1 above, against column 824 maxwidgets='1'. Now change '1' to '2', '3' or '4' as you like. You can also see showaddelement='no'. Change this 'no' to 'yes'. Watch it below in the Screen Shot :2 :-

Screen Shot: 2

#4) Click Save template at the top and click Back to your blog. You have done this. 

In the similar way you can change the maximum number of 'widgets' to be shown in the Cross-Column & Cross-Column 2 easily. Watch Screen Shot 3 below carefully :-

Screen Shot: 3


#1) You can find in the Screen Shot: 3 above that against column 912 underlined in red crosscol maxwidgets='1'. Just change this to '2' or '3' or '4' as you wish. 

#2) Now, against column 913 (below the red line) just change the word 'crosscol-overflow' to 'crosscol2' and write  maxwidgets='2' or maxwidgets='3' or maxwidgets='4' as you wish. Now change showaddelement='no'/>  to  showaddelement='yes'/> . That's all. Now observe the Screen Shot: 4 below carefully to see how the HTML code line(underlined red) should appear after your change. 

Screen Shot: 4


#3) Now click Save template and Back to your blog. 

N.B : Be careful not to add too many columns and widgets at the top of your blog. Too many widgets/ad code  will make your blog very slow to load and will not be liked by your viewers. Please also note 'column number' may vary from blog to blog and should not necessarily be 824, 912 or 913 as shown in the Screen Shots above.

Happy Blogging.

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