How To Add A Site Map To Your Blog - The 15 All Time Secrets That You Must Learn Before Earning By Writing Blogs And Forex Market

How To Add A Site Map To Your Blog

What is a sitemap?

A sitemap is the map of all the urls of all the articles of your blog. The Google crawler and all other search engines bots find it very helpful to crawl and index your website with the help of a sitemap.

You created your blog spending your precious time energy and you wish your blog posts be read by thousands at least if not lacs. Apart from this point of view, if you have got 'Adsense' approval already then the more people view it daily the more is your income.

To get high amount of traffic your blog must be found and indexed by the google search engine bot. Here, the need arises for addition of a suitable sitemap to your blog. 

There are two types of sitemap HTML sitemap and XML sitemap. Here we discuss how to add a HTML sitemap. 

HTML sitemap designed basically for the users, enable them easily navigate each and every page of your blog. One of the foremost conditions to get Adsense approval is easy navigation of all the pages of your blog. 

If the users get confused while viewing the blog and cannot view any page they like easily, they will seldom return to your blog and you will lose valuable viewers permanently. Adsense always takes very serious note of this issue. 

The HTML sitemap discussed here will show all posts of your blog in a single page and it is very easy for the viewers to navigate to any page of your blog smoothly. The sitemap is automatically updated with dates each time you make a new post. The sitemap is SEO friendly too enabling the search engine bot to easily index all your posts. You can easily add a very useful HTML sitemap to your blog by following the steps below :- 

#1) Log in to your Blog dashboard and click New Page.


#2) In the title or header of the new page type - 'Sitemap & Archive Of All Posts'


#3) Now click 'Publish' (shown in red )to publish the page

#4) Now open the page again by clicking 'Edit'


#5) As the page opens click 'HTML' at the top left marked in red


#6) Now paste the code shown below after (<br /></div>)


  1. <!—Site Map START --><style> #tulika { background: transparent; width: 100%; color: #999; margin: 0 auto; padding: 5px; } span.tulika-MessageBox { display: block; background: #0A6474; color: #ECF1F4; text-align: center; font-family: cursive; font-size: large; } #tulikatable { width: 100%; margin: 0 auto; border: 1em solid #0A6474!important; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; border-color: transparent; } .tulika-Header-Posts, .tulika-Header-Dates, .tulika-Header-Labels { padding: 1em !important; line-height: 1em; text-align: center; color: azure; transition: all .4s ease-in-out; } .tulika-Header-Posts { background: #23A596; } .tulika-Header-Dates { background: #23AE84; } .tulika-Header-Labels { background: #18A993; } .tulika-Header-Posts:hover, .tulika-Header-Dates:hover, .tulika-Header-Labels:hover { background: #0A6474; color: #FAFBFC; } .tulika-Header-Posts a:link, .tulika-Header-Posts a:visited, .tulika-Header-Dates a:link, .tulika-Header-Dates a:visited, .tulika-Header-Labels a:link, .tulika-Header-Labels a:visited { font-size: 1em; text-transform: uppercase; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; font-family: Georgia, serif; font-weight: 800; letter-spacing: 1px; } .swtBPT-Header-Posts a:hover, .swtBPT-Header-Dates a:hover, .tulika-Header-Labels a:hover { text-decoration: none; } tfoot.tulika-Right, tfoot.tulika-Right a { background: #0A6474; color: #FAFBFC; text-align: center; font-family: -webkit-body; font-size: small; } #tulika tbody:nth-child(even) { background: #9FD7D2; color: #34887E; } #tulika tbody:nth-child(odd) { background: #8BD0CA; color: #34887F; } .tulika-PostsTitles, .swtBPT-PostsDates, .swtBPT-PostsLabels { font-size: 88%; padding: 10px; transition: all .3s ease-in-out; } .tulika-PostsTitles:hover, .tulika-PostsDates:hover, .tulika-PostsLabels:hover { background: #fff; } .tulika-PostsTitles a, .tulika-PostsDates a, .tulika-PostsLabels a { text-decoration: none; color: #666; transition: all .3s ease-in-out; } .tulika-PostsTitles a:hover, .tulika-PostsDates a:hover, .tulika-PostsLabels a:hover { color: #f65476; } </style><div id="tulika"> Loading tulika HTML Sitemap. Please wait....</div> <noscript>Either you have disabled scripts in your browser or your browser does not support JavaScript!</noscript><script src=""></script>
  2. <script src="/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&amp;max-results=500&amp;callback=BloggerSitemapbySWT" type="text/javascript"></script>
  3. <!—Site Map END -->


#6) Hit 'Update' and publish your sitemap.

It's done.

How To Add A XML Sitemap Of Your Blog To 

Google Webmaster Tools

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