7 Easiest Ways To Increase Adsense CPC For Your Blog - The 15 All Time Secrets That You Must Learn Before Earning By Writing Blogs And Forex Market

7 Easiest Ways To Increase Adsense CPC For Your Blog



Increase CPC For Blog
Actually, CPC or Cost Per Click doesn't depend on how much traffic a blog gets daily or how many ad impressions a blog/ website gets daily. There are a number of factors that affect CPC for your blog. One can improve CPC much better if attention is given to the following factors :-

#1) Niche For Blog

This is one of the major factors that can affect CPC of a blog. Blogs prepared on any topic or subject doesn't attract same or uniform CPC. For instance, a blog prepared on the subject of 'how to render social service' is never going to attract same CPC as attracted by a blog prepared on 'Automobiles' or 'Jobs' etc. A blog prepared on the following niches generally attract high CPC :-

  • Domain Services (Bigrock/GoDaddy)
  • Loans including Home Loans
  • Gadgets/Apps/Androids
  • Automobiles
  • Adsense / Google Products
  • MS Office - Microsoft
  • Banking
  • Jobs - Recruitment Informations
  • Real Estate
  • Health
The first 6 niches attract more CPC than the rest, so select your niche accordingly.

#2) Quality Content For Blog

Viewers are attracted to your blog when they find quality contents in the respective niche, not only that the viewers are retained by the contents for long and come back soon.

A blog that cannot make any impression at the first sight will not attract large crowd. For instance, a blog full of spelling mistake or that fail to satisfy the queries of the readers or that fail to present and explain the topic well will fail to draw much readers.

Therefore, try to bring out a blog which is well drafted, fully explain and satisfy the readers queries and also pay attention to directly engage with your audience.

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#3) Ideal Platform For Blog

A blog is viewed from different platforms such as Desktop, Android, Tab or Laptop. Although, Desktop and Laptop used to give majority of traffic but nowadays it has been observed Mobiles(Android Devices) are in no way less important.

If your blog can be viewed by Android Mobile users CPC is likely to rise as ads shown on these devices are usually of better quality. Both 'Blogger & 'Wordpress' allow users to optimize ads making them mobile friendly i.e. the ads are optimized for mobile screen size.

#4) Placement of Ads

Placement of ads or where the ads will show in the pages of the blog counts. Two ads in the middle of the contents of the page may increase the number of clicks. Always blend the ads according to the theme of the blog. It has been observe two rectangle ads - one 336 X 280 and another 468 X 60 just below the title and in the contents give a fillip to Adsense revenue. Therefore, one should pay attention to this point and never neglect this.

#5) Country of Clickers/viewers

Rate of CPC for the same ad is not same for all the countries. It has been observed a click originated in a country like USA or a country in Europe can pay the blogger $2 to $3 whereas the same ad can generate only $0.20 to $0.30 or even less than that if clicked in India or in any other Asiatic country. So always try to target the audience of the countries of America or Europe as your first preference. But remember if you direct your blog to a specific country or region, you will obviously lose your ranking for other countries and regions of the world. So, use it wisely.

#6) Allow/Block Ads

In Adsense you enjoy the liberty of allowing ads in relation to the contents of the niche of your blog. Blocking ads irrelevant to the contents of your blog will surely increase your CPC. Log in to Adsense click 'Allow & Block Ads' > Select the specific blog > click 'General Categories' at the top and do it accordingly. 

cpc for blog
cpc for blog


#7) Ad Format - Text & Image

Format of ad is also vital in the context of higher CPC. Text ads enjoy higher CTR(Click through rate). Always go for both image & text ads as it results in higher earnings. Image ads are not always preferred because of lower CPC and less CTR. It has also been observed that image ads never give best results in all types of niches. Therefore, a lot depends on the extensive experiment and wise decision of the blogger. 

Experiment a lot on all types of ads both image & text placing them at various places of your blog and analyse which type & placement gives you best results.

I hope the above 7 steps will boost your Adsense earning from your blog.   

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