10 Amazing Tricks To Get The Most Out Of Your Easy Tips For Beginners To Increase Blog Traffic Quickly
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Increase Blog Traffic
Building a terrific blog is easier than getting a regular good volume of traffic. There are a few excellent and easy ways to get a fair volume of traffic in a quite a short span of time. These tips are tried by myself and produced excellent results. There might be a lot of tactics but it is difficult to apply all of them in a single blog.
It's because all tips are not easy to implement for all bloggers and specially for the beginners. So, it's better to go for a few selected tips which are not too complicated and very easy to apply. I am sure, they will help you positively. Remember the volume of traffic always increases gradually as you go on implementing them and not overnight.
1) Blog Should Always Be SEO Friendly :
The primary source of traffic that comes to any blog/website is through search engine. So, ignoring or neglecting SEO is a major mistake. SEO can make your blog a massive traffic earner and is number one in terms of importance. Millions of people search various topics in the main search engines of today -- Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and many more.
Figures suggest that between 2007 and 2013 number of daily searchers continued to rise and in 2014 it crossed 6 billion mark. Therefore, it can be easily imagined where it has gone in 2016.
The title/headline of the blog should be unique & viral and highly SEO friendly otherwise you can never get good volume of viewers. Writing great and unique headlines may make 9 out of every 10 viewers to click on your articles.
A blogger with creative & attractive contents will get more traffic than a blogger with no good contents at all. So, paying attention to create quality articles pays and improves rankings and visibility in search engines. Good SEO friendly posts are powerful enough to drive traffic to your blog.
Although, social network sites are a factor these days to create massive volume of traffic but that never undermines the utility of search engines like Google/Yahoo/Bing.
2) Keyword Based Contents :
Keywords are words that are used by searchers/readers in search engines to search a topic. If the title of your blog and its contents contain these keywords, search engine bot quickly produce your blog in the search results. Your blog/site gets ranked by bot in search engines based on keywords. Keyword is not an easy subject and its research is a continuous process and always keep changing. A keyword is strong enough to altar the search engine results to a great extent. You can use 'Moz Keyword Difficulty and SERP Analysis Tool' Another place Keyword Tool
There is a free available helping tool by Google to help you in this segment 'AdWords Keyword Planner'
When a few words are typed in the search box, Moz shows you its 'Difficulty' 'Opportunity' 'Potential Strength' 'Suggestions' & 'SERP Analysis'. Similarly 'AdWord' shows phrases that match the intent and/or terms you have used. Another great 'keyword' suggestion tool is Ubersuggest
3) Blogger's Platform :
A suitable blogging platform also makes a lot of difference. The 'Platform' should be helpful with simple and easy to understand interface. Google / WordPress are the primary names to mention here apart from many others.
4) Connect With Social Platforms :
As told earlier, apart from search engines the key factor that plays a vital role in getting a massive volume of traffic are social sites such as Facebook Twitter Reddit Tumblr StumbleUpon Pinterest. These sites produce billions of visitors from almost all parts of the world. These social platforms are an excellent source of sharing your articles with others. At the same time, you gain valuable experience when others share their contents with you.
Blog topics or niche are something that create interest among viewers whether to click a specific blog to view it. Selecting the right niche or topic for your blog can make a major difference in the volume of daily traffic. There are numerous number of subjects on which a blog may be made but all are not ranked in the same level.
Since all niches are not going to be very popular, one has to be very careful in selecting one's niche to get a satisfactory volume of traffic.
Read : How To Start A Business With Only 5 Profitable Niche Blog Topics That May Make You Millionare
6) Excellent Designs Can Help :
A nice, professional, premium and responsive template can place your blog/website above all. A beautiful design not only attracts more viewers but also retain them to your blog for a longer period. Starting your blog with an attractive template will give you an edge over others.
Read : Best Free WordPress Templates For You
How To Add Related Post Widget To Your Blog Or Custom Domain
How To Add Related Post Widget To Your Blog Or Custom Domain
7) Show Post Title Before Blog Title :
Showing 'post title' before 'blog title' in Google search engines can lead to a considerable hike in search engine traffic. Google allows 65 characters in the search results.
Therefore, if 'blog title' crosses 65 mark then google is not going to show your 'post title' at all. Even if your blog title remains within 65 characters it is impossible to show the complete post title in search engine.
This is where you suffer most, losing a great amount of your daily traffic. The solution lies in doing something that lets you show the post title before the blog title. If you can do this, you will find within a few days that your volume of viewers is on the rise.
8) Add A Sitemap To Your Blog :
You created your blog spending your precious time energy and you wish your blog posts be read by thousands at least if not lacs. Apart from this point of view, if you have got 'Adsense' approval already then the more people view it daily the more is your income.
To get high amount of traffic your blog must be found and indexed by the google search engine bot. Here, the need arises for addition of a suitable sitemap to your blog.
9) Connect Your Blog/Site To Google Webmaster Tools :
When you create a blog you surely wish that more and more people worldwide view your posts. This is possible only when your blog/site is indexed properly by the search engine bot. The first step to do this is to submit your site to 'Google Webmaster Tools.
Apart from viewing by more and more people, all bloggers also wish to get 'Adsense' approval to earn money from their blogs. To earn money from 'Adsense' you must enjoy a reasonable volume of traffic. When you submit your site to webmaster tools, your site is properly indexed by search engine bot quickly enabling to get traffic.
Apart from viewing by more and more people, all bloggers also wish to get 'Adsense' approval to earn money from their blogs. To earn money from 'Adsense' you must enjoy a reasonable volume of traffic. When you submit your site to webmaster tools, your site is properly indexed by search engine bot quickly enabling to get traffic.
Read : How To Add Your Blog/Website To Google Webmaster Tools
10) Adding Photos And Illustrations Can Be of Immense Help :
Images and graphics can add beauty to your blog and make it more impressive and meaningful. Observed a blog with a good content supported with photos and graphics draw more traffic than a blog with a good content but no images and graphics at all. If you wish to apply for Adsense approval in future, then the images must be free from copyright.
There are a number of sites who are ready to offer astonishing copyright free images.
11) Interactions With The Comments Of Your Blog :
When the blog starts getting a number of daily views, many comments start appearing from all types of viewers. Some of these comments may not deserve any reply while some try to draw traffic from your blog by posting the url of their own blogs.
In spite of all these, you will still find a few comments which are really inspiring. Do not neglect these comments, reply to them, take part in the comments of other blogs. This way you can make publicity of your blog and at the same time increase visibility.
12) Take Help From Buzzsumo To Generate Viral Content :
This is a great place that can help you select the most popular topic in your niche. Write the primary keyword of your niche in the search column and click 'go'. This incredible tool will show top viral posts related to your 'keyword' and also its total number of shares/tweets in the social media. Examine the headlines of these posts and create your own.
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