Sick And Tired Of Low CTR? 7 Golden Strategies For A High CTR For Your Blog Read This.....
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Adsense is a CPC(cost per click) based ad network which makes payment to its publishers based on number of clicks and not by number of impression. So, to earn a fair amount of dollars you need to have a high CTR(click through ration).
What is CTR?
CTR is the number of click on ads you get per 100 page views/impressions. Therefore, if you get 5 clicks per 100 views/impressions then your CTR is 5%.
A good CTR means higher Adsense earnings and as well as a trust Adsense reposes in your website. A CTR rate of 3% to 5% is great and safe. Safe in the sense if one tries to get to more CTR one may likely to get banned quickly by Adsense. For new comers 0.5% to 1% is ideal and safe and for professionals it is 2% to 5%
The perceived value of your site is high only when you get a a lot of daily traffic along with a lot of clicks on ads. Your site is served high paying ads by Adsense when you are blessed with a reasonable volume of traffic and clicks.
After all, Adsense always encourages for unique and high quality content on exclusive niches and this is the basic requirement of a high CTR. An extraordinary niche is always likely to get high quality traffic and high CTR very quickly. For instance, a blog on 'tech & gadgets' will fetch high CTR before long as this niche is in great demand these days.
Read : how to create super attractive & viral posts that bring the viewers back to your blog
To get a high CTR one must not forget the following 7 golden strategies which may be adopted specially by the beginners to increase their income potential. It must be borne in mind a blog without a quality content and adopting these strategies only will never attain success.
#1) Use Of Large Block Ads :
Use of large block ads increases the volume of space available for the advertisers and consequently they are ready to bid more for a space in your website provided you have a reasonable volume of daily traffic. Use of large block ads also increases the probability of more clicks by viewers as it has been observed big and bright objects appeal and attract human eyes spontaneously than small things dull things.
Best Large Ad Sizes Are :
- 336X280 Large Rectangle
- 300X600 Large Sky Scraper
- 160X600 Wide Sky Scraper
- 468X60 Banner
- 768X90 Leader Board
Previously, it was policy of Adsense to allow 3 block ads per page. In addition to this, one can show 3 link ads per page. This was done to ensure that the main content of the page never becomes secondary. This condition has been done away with by Google recently and the emphasis is now more on overall 'balance of content and ads' per page.
Of course, this doesn't mean that you can show any number of ads per page and the content will be allowed to be suppressed by the number of ads. Google has said that ads and other paid promotional materials should under no circumstances exceed the content of the page. This is done to protect the interest of the viewers. Read : Valuable Inventory to know more about this.
Therefore, following this strategy one has a fair chance of increasing one's CTR and consequently earning potential.
#2) Wise Placement of Ads :
Placement of ads is an important factor in deciding CTR rate. Ads may be placed above or below the Headline, within the content and as well in the sidebar. It all depends on the type of website and its contents. Below is given a list of best positions where ads may be placed :-
- Header : When a viewer enters a website, eyes first go at the top of the page close to your logo. Placement of an ad here has a good chance of being clicked. Very useful read : how to add an extra column in the Header and Cross Column of your blog
- Right Below Post Title : This is a very common place used by almost all bloggers to show ads. It has been observed through statistics that viewers tend to click on ads placed below title more often.
- Sidebar : Depending on the layout you choose you may have a single sidebar or two sidebars both on left or right of the main content. Placement of ads in the sidebar yields good number of clicks once you start having a fair number of daily viewers. In my opinion, choosing a layout with two sidebars both on left and right is better. Adsense ad codes may be placed in one sidebar while the other sidebar may be used to show 'Related Posts' or 'Popular Posts'.
- Placement of Ads Between Paragraphs : Always think of using large ad blocks both square & horizontal in the main content specially after two paragraphs. If you have a great content an ardent reader sometimes tend to click on ads here specially if the ad is related with the subject.
- At The End of The Content : Placement of ads here is not much effective and a lot of bloggers avoid this place to show ad. The average duration of time a viewer remains in a website is only 96 seconds. If a viewer reads the entire content of a page with patience, only then his/her eyes go to the ad here.
No one can actually predict which place will give you the maximum result. When you start having a few thousand monthly viewers, start experimenting with placement of ads. You will soon discover the right place for your website.
#3) Ad Blindness : Ad blindness means - a regular visitor to your website is well aware of the placement of ads in the site and never looks at them making you loose adsense revenue. One way to avoid this is to change the locations of the ads and shuffle ad sizes frequently.
#4) Bounce Rate : Bounce rate is the rate viewers leave your website faster without even going through the various pages/subjects of your website leading to a drop in Adsense revenue. Try to keep the bouncing rate at minimum by making regular posts and updating the existing posts on a regular basis.
#5)Increase Search Traffic & SEO : Viewers coming to your site through search engines stay longer if they get what they are looking for. Placing relevant ads on you site will fetch higher CTR. So putting emphasis on SEO(search engine optimization) will lead to higher CTR.
#6) Blending Ads : Blending ads color scheme with the color scheme of the blog is another ingenious way to increase CTR. These days viewers are clever enough and they are not going to click on ads easily as they are aware that the blogger will earn with their clicking. If the background color of the ads is blended with the background color of your blog, the viewers may be fooled. This can be done with the help of 'Blend Ads' in Adsense Settings.
#7) Use Text And Image Based Ad : Advertisers are more interested to bid for your site more when you opt for both text and image based ad and it leads to an increase in CPC(cost per click). Adsense also recommends to its publishers to display 'text & image' based ads.
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