How To Add A Sleek Menu Bar Under The Title Of Your Blog In The Easiest Way - The 15 All Time Secrets That You Must Learn Before Earning By Writing Blogs And Forex Market

How To Add A Sleek Menu Bar Under The Title Of Your Blog In The Easiest Way

As has been said earlier, a easy navigation of all the posts of your blog by the viewers is one of the foremost conditions to get 'Adsense' approval.

A sleek menu bar at the top under the title/header of your blog not only makes your blog look nice but also makes navigation by the viewers very smooth.

Adding a menu bar with 'Css' is a bit complicated as it requires some knowledge of HTML at least which is not the case for ordinary bloggers.

Here, I am going to show you how easily it can be done by just adding a Widget in the cross-column section of your blog most easily and in no time.

Follow These Steps

#1) Log in to your blog dashboard

#2) Select your blog and from the 'drop down' menu click 'layout' ( shown in red ) Screen Shot 1


Screen Shot 1                                              

#3) Click 'Add a Gadget' in the specific 'Cross-column'

Screen Shot 2                                                    

#4) Now click HTML/Java Script (marked red) Screen Shot 2

#5) Copy & paste the code given below in the content box that opens. Do not write anything in the Title box :


<div id="container1">
<ul class="menu33" rel="sam1">
<li class="active"><a href="#l">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About us</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Site map</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Privacy policy</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Disclaimer</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Terms of usage</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact</a></li>


#6) Replace the hash in red with the URL of your specific pages.

#7) Click Save and it is done

You may also add any other page in the style as follows :

                         <h><a href="url of your page">name of your page</a></h>

Don't write anything extra or modify any other code.

After inserting the above code your 'Menu Bar' (marked red) will look like :


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